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Even if  an objective view on the working process is not possible throgh the medium of photography, it was tried to give an overview, which does not tell the viewer how to think about the situation before giving him the option to form his own opinion.


I sometimes ask myself what industrialization, the rush and speed of economy development and life mean for the little companies on the countryside. A possible answer to this question is easily found by the documentary series HandWerk. What keeps the stories together is the kind of how men create the final products. They don’t use as many high-tech machines as possible to be efficient and fast. The process of transformation and production focuses on a handmade product. The series is all about character, authenticity and people, who do their work with passion.

The shown series of a little butchers every day life may seem brutal in the first moment but is it as terrible as the life of many animals in mass market production? The work focuses on the hand work by men and should not point out any discussions about animal protection.
The photographs comprise of both the process of formation and the individual, proud and passionate person, who creates the masterpiece. The tool connects humans hand with the material. This thought made the tool to another central part of the conception.

The series was photographed in Styria, Austria.

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